Saturday, September 10, 2011


The month of September is dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows, whose memorial the Church celebrates on September 15. In addition to the Sacred Heart of Jesus  and Immaculate Heart of Mary devotion let spend some time with our Lady of Sorrows. The major biblical references to Mary's sorrows are in Luke 2:35 and “A sword will pierce your soul too -- so that the secret thoughts of many may be laid bare.” From excerpt the sermon By St. Bernard of Clairvaux. “Truly, O blessed Mother, a sword has pierced your heart. For only by passing through your heart could the sword enter the flesh of your Son. Indeed, after your Jesus - who belongs to everyone, but is especially yours - gave up his life, the cruel spear, which was not withheld from his lifeless body, tore open his side. Clearly it did not touch his soul and could not harm him, but it did pierce your heart. For surely his soul was no longer there, but yours could not be torn away. Thus the violence of sorrow has cut through your heart, and we rightly call you more than martyr, since the effect of compassion in you has gone beyond the endurance of physical suffering.”

BENEDICT XVI'S PRAYER INTENTIONS FOR SEPTEMBER VATICAN CITY, 1 SEP 2011 (VIS) - Pope Benedict's general prayer intention for September is: "That all teachers may know how to communicate love of the truth and instil authentic moral and spiritual values". 

His mission intention is: "That the Christian communities of Asia may proclaim the Gospel with fervor, witnessing to its beauty with the joy of faith". 

Reading and prayers of the Month of September Links:

Highlights of the Month of September

Trivia Questions of the Month of September

  1. In 12th Century who are the prime promoters for “Our Lady of Sorrows”?
  2. Who is the Patron saint of teachers?
  3. Who is the Patron Saint of Unborn?

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